Mindful Healing: Unveiling Somatic Therapy in Sacramento
Chronic stress and trauma lives in our physiology, and mindful somatic therapy approaches focus on the feedback loop that continually runs through our minds and bodies, where amazing transformations can occur. When stressful sh*t happens, it doesn’t only impact you on an intellectual or emotional level, it often impacts a sense of stability in yourself, your relationships, and the future.

Navigating Life with High Functioning Anxiety or Depression: A Compassionate Approach from a Therapist in Sacramento
Living with "high functioning" anxiety or depression is a journey that often involves a great deal of effort and well-honed coping mechanisms. These strategies can mask the symptoms of anxiety or depression to the outside world, yet internally, individuals may grapple with an ongoing struggle to maintain functioning.

10 Self-care Tips for Depression from a Sacramento Therapist
Depression can be an overwhelming experience that often leaves people feeling helpless, stuck, or alone. As a Sacramento therapist, I want this article to instill hope and practical help for getting you through it. By recognizing the symptoms of a depressive episode and labeling it as such, you separate the experience of depression from your self-identity.

Anxiety Therapist Sacramento - The Anxiety Feedback Loop: Thoughts, Emotions, and Physical Sensations
Anxiety is a complex and often overwhelming experience that can take hold of our minds and bodies, and leave us feeling scared and out of control. Understanding the mechanics of anxiety can help us make sense of the interplay between our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations and empower us to unravel its grip.

10 Myths About Therapy - Lessons from my Sacramento Counseling Office
Myths and misconceptions about what therapy is and how it can help may potentially prevent individuals from accessing life-changing support. As a therapist in Sacramento, my goal in this article is to dispel these misunderstandings and shed light on the reality of therapy, enabling you to make informed decisions about your mental well-being. Seeking therapy has become increasingly common as people recognize the importance of their mental health in overall well-being. Even the word therapy has a stigma attached to it, and some people prefer to use counseling instead. I use the terms interchangeably in this article.